Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Ok so I promised a run down of the show this past weekend. I will honestly say that I will never be a vendor at Fandom Fest ever again! I want to start this from the beginning so you understand why I am so livid about this mess of a show. Its a long read but if you want to follow the story here it is....other wise you can just skip down to where it says show begins.
First off I first contacted the show via email back in April first part of May after being approached at Lexington Comic Con by one of their programing directors. I threw out a letter that I was interested in a table as I do for all conventions as sometimes I get comp tables for the work I have done and for my Cosplay. Nothing back. No big deal so I went on to facebook and got a volunteer named Michelle who said they were not comping any tables and to purchase the table but they would promote me once table was secured.
Here is that message:
"The artist table prices are on the website. We can add more publicity for you by putting you up as a cosplayer as well. Please let us know how we can assist you after you secure your table."

 I go to the website and TRIED to Purchase a table, but I guess due to a server issue or something with my computer I kept getting an error at checkout. Instead of possibly getting charged numerous times I stopped and tried searching for a number or someway to directly contact them instead of just by email that was listed on the site...because I don't deal in just email. Nothing! No phone number listed anywhere. So back to an email and nothing so I gave up. But then back in late May/June I decided to try again but still no phone number no answer to any email. So I took back to Facebook and twitter. Let me just say what ensued next was complete rudeness and unprofessionalism. I should have run then.
So I go back to the website after a friend said that they had added a note saying they were close to selling out so I go and again no phone number just a message saying they were getting close to selling out of tables and to email for availability. So again I do......again no answer. So back to facebook and I message:
"I emailed the email address given on the website to see if there were any artists tables still available since the site says it is close to sell out. Can you tell me if there is still a table open?"
I am told we are sold out.
Ok I can live with that but when I have tried to purchase a table over and over and tried to contact them over and over .....I am not so I message back:
"Michelle thank you for contacting me back. I have to say I am a bit unhappy to hear this after I tried to use the website to purchase the table and got an error then tried to email and contact and got no response. I really wish you guys would have also listed a contact number for issues such as this."
Fandom Fest:
"We have been sold out for 10 days. The list is for our waiting list. We are a LARGE convention with over 300 emails to answer everyday. We have a phone number. Unfortunately having one available 2 months from the show brings in questions that are already answered on the site. The message you saw placed on the site is for vendors who want to be listed on our waiting list. As of right now we have a huge list because of our national reputation. If you are interested in being involved with our event next year. Look for our 2014 Vendor application. We will have it up before the start of this years show."
( I have been trying to get through since APRIL!!!!! and the page never said waiting list....it said to purchase a table. And national rep? I had never heard of the show until they came to me.)
I am not going to continue posting the back and forth but lets just say she thought she was going to put me in my place and she failed. It was then forwarded to their head Guy Ken Daniels. His message back was polite and that he was sorry for the volunteer who spoke out of line and that we would have a phone call to resolve the matter and get me fit into the show. Now I think we are going somewhere and boy did we.
We finally talk....well he does and immediately starts in on how big this show is and how its comparable to Comic Con and Dragon Con.....and here is where it gets good...... He says the phrase " Let me explain to you how these shows work"...... yes please do.
He basically goes into telling me that promotors talk and that if I cross one the wrong way with my unprofessional behavior I could in no uncertain terms be ousted in the convention scene. Get that? Basically being told he could make me or break me..... I then stopped him right there and said I understand exactly how shows work and he should speak to my husband who also manages my business dealings  because I was either about to say something of anger or I was going to come through the phone.
Thom gets on the phone and the conversation is a bit of a different tone although he tried to one up hubby over and over. He basically told Thom that a posting I made on my Facebook was very rude about him....I did not say anything rude I said in general that promoters should at least have a phone number listed on their sites for conventions so if things happen a person can contact them.
(That is not rude...its the truth. If you are going to run a business then treat it like a business)
At any point he was made to realize I am free to give my opinion and it was not directly put at him as there were several shows that do the same thing. But the attitude of the volunteer was unprofessional and I deserved the same treatment as I gave to them which was professional. He then agreed and would get me a table invoice.
Finally got an invoice and via PayPal paid the 300.00 fee for a table in the Cascade Ballroom where there would be a couple of photo op booths and a couple of celebs. Cool.

So we get a vendor packet that states load in for our section wouldn't be until 3 even though we were told 2 in another email from Ken. No biggie that gives me time . ***Would have been nice to have a time change noted on the paper as in the fact that they were Eastern Time. So it put me at going to be late by 45 min in getting there due to traffic. I wouldn't have had an issue except the packet saying they were only giving a two hr window for EVERYONE to load in on that dock! How is that possible and if you weren't there in that window you forfeited your table..... Ummmmm that was never in any kind of writing when I bought the table as the vendor packet wasn't sent until 8 days before the show. So I begin searching for a number in the paperwork....there isn't one. Again! Just an email and it says it wont get a response unless its an emergency or important....it was important.....and what reply did I get???? a form letter that had nothing to do with the vendors even though it was meant for vendors. This letter says...."get your tickets now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I get there and the dock they send you to in the packet is the wrong one...... Its on the other side.... So Thom drives around while I search for where I am supposed to go....No one can tell me where vendor registration is. The nicest security member takes me downstairs to registration to find someone but no one there has a clue or can get anyone on the radio. One registration worker told the volunteer who was helping me  I was out of luck. Registration for vendors was over and that was it. Uh No. They find me someone who searches on a list for me and finds it but has no badges just wrist bands for us. We go to my table area I was told to promote myself at and ..... the table is gone. So I have to quickly find a spot. Only one is the front row across from Norman Reedus and Sean Patrick Flannery. Sure I have no problem with that since I have Walking Dead Art.
We get loaded in and set up and see that they have Sean there but no Norman........That's right Sean Clark had tweeted that Norman would not be there Friday due to rehearsals for the show. Fandom Fest failed to tell people that and guests were getting angry. Several people asked me where he was and lucky I knew that myself.... I felt bad for them.
The rest of the night was wayyyyyyy slow. One sale. There until 10.

Saturday: THE CHAOS BEGINS!!!!!!! 
We get up and dressed (Cosplay day of Black Cat) and head to the convention. I was met with a bit of trouble due to no vendor badge getting in to set up. Had to explain to them why and was told to get a badge which would be great if  I  knew where to get one! Set up and then Bam it starts. Norman arrives. I am used to the chaos that follows him with the popularity of his character on Walking Dead and know that you have to have precise planning for crowds or it will get nuts.... But being that I was dealing with a promoter of this one's stature I should have nothing to fear right.....wrong.
No volunteer knew what lines they were helping.... No one knew where things were, or when photo ops where, Registration was a wait and a half from what I was told even for Advanced Purchase tickets and VIP's and most people didn't get the extra goodies that went with their purchases.
The Norman line was horrible wrapped through the room and out the building....people cutting line....people waiting since 5 am and it was 2:00 by now. This is when crap hits the fan.
They have so many people waiting in lines for photo ops and for Norman that it overloads the room. They then schedule Norman for get this a 3 and a half hour photo op during all this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People who are waiting immediately start sitting and camping out....photo op people do to.....and now there is at least a 200 - 500 person line forming in front of our table down the isle and out the door to Pick Up pictures from the photo ops. The fire marshal shuts the room down for capacity.
During all this Thom goes to the restroom only to step back to the room...and is DENIED entry! He is standing there having to argue with a volunteer that he was looking right at my table and needed to get back to help me! They wouldn't let him in....He finally got back in madder than hell. No reason to because the vendor area was dead. No traffic at all because everyone in the room was there for lines and wouldn't step out in fear of loosing their place. ( this happened to someone with a small child who had been waiting for over 8 hours for Norman. Child had to go to restroom, she took it only to be denied entrance back into the room for her place in line!!!!!!!!)
Norman finally gets done after they start chanting for him and things somewhat begin moving again. I begin hearing all the crap going on with people being turned away, being told they could get a ticket for Sunday if they purchased a three day pass.... and that even the celebs were being blamed for screw-ups. People were missing their photo ops and being told oh well. No signs anywhere. Colin Baker (Dr Who 6) had been tweeting about being left in his hotel room with no schedule or anyone to get him. John Barowman was telling people who missed photo ops to demand their money back. People who bought advanced tickets were being turned away...and vendors were baron due to lines everywhere. Come 7 pm when we are supposed to be closed.....nope the 200 person photo pick up line in front of the table is still there. We along with several other vendors on that row stay to watch our stuff. Finally at our request security moves the mass out into the hall. Their printer was down....
Some people were told they would be able to get their pics via email....for 10.00 more than they paid. Others were told the pics would be ready to pick up....TWO WEEKS LATER FROM THE SHOW!!!!!!
I changed clothes there and headed out to get food, constantly being asked about events going on for the show...apparently there were three different schedules floating around the show and no updates via the website or Facebook or twitter from the show as promised for cancellations. The body art show got cancelled, parties planned were pitiful and closed down early......people were mad!

SUNDAY last day!
It was not as crowded as they had said it would be, prob because people were mad and fed up. Norman's line went better and they moved the photo op groups out into the hall. But from what I was told from people they were only allowing VIP people into the room to shop.....you mean not allowing all the traffic we should have had into the room. I was furious. Other vendors and artists were mad and a good majority of us will not be coming back to this show. Many are contesting their table fees including myself for the issues and not getting what we paid for as a vendor. It is not our fault for the disorganization of someone who bit off more than he could chew. I knew that once I talked to him.... and let me just say. Karma is a bitch isn't it? Act all high and mighty and this is what happens. Tell people you can make or break them or you will spread lies and this is what you get.
After all the horror stories I had heard about the shows in the past years of it going I am hoping this is the last we hear of this show. I hope that it has made enough people mad that they don't return. Its no where near being about the fans...It was about lining someone's pocket and that is it. AND GET THIS THEY TOLD FANS NOT TO TALK TO SOCIAL MEDIA OR BLOGS OR MEDIA ABOUT ANYTHING NEGATIVE! Sorry that is my first amendment right to speak about this .....and yes KEN we vendors and celebs and artists....AND FANS talk and what we say can make or break a convention.....but I think you did a bang up job of doing that yourself.

I will NEVER return to this debacle of a show again as it was the most shady CON of a CON I have ever seen and now after hearing about one of the panels calling women whores and the other content of that panel and it being allowed by moderators....I never want to have my name attached to something like that. Its trashy and I have way more class than that.


Anonymous said...

Holy smokes! What a horrendous experience! I have NEVER heard of this show until all the negative stories started popping up. To imagine that a person would demand people to NOT speak ill of it shows that they KNEW they blew it and where trying to get ahead of the impending fire. What a cowardly moron. Sounds like he belongs selling flooded cars from Louisiana. - Thanks for voicing this! - J. Linares

hobee1971 said...

I saw your table during my own fandomfestfrightfiasco. I literally had to throw a fit (a nice fit, but a fit none-the-less) to even get my autograph. Got my pre-paid photo-op that I didn't get refunded and my autograph. By then I was tired, in pain from standing in line, and just wanted to sit down. Honestly, 3 days later and I still wince when I stand up. Anyway, I wanted to stop and look at your drawings, being a graphic artist, I love art in general. I just honestly was at the end of my endurance.

Cari said...

My husband and I actually stopped at your booth. I can confirm that everything you said about the show is true. Please do not let this shit-show cloud your judgment of other Kentucky-based Cons. In March, there will be one in Lexington (only 3 years old and much better organized than this one) that will have WD people and other nerdisms. You have an awesome booth and I hope you get some financial retribution for your troubles.

kelly said...

I was also there and experienced everything that you mentioned as well. It was horrible. The only things that made this enjoyable were actually getting to the celebs and the vendors and getting to interact with you guys. It was horribly disorganized and all about the money for the coordinators. Also to add to it, when it came down do the meet and greets, for some of them they also tried to charge fans an additional 200 bucks for activities when they were included in the initial vip ticket experience and some people actually paid this because they were truly fans and didnt want to miss out for disappointment. Also when this happened they did indeed instruct us not to review or talk about it on social media for fear of their reputation. I was so angered with this convention and the coordinators.

J. Patrick said...

Hey Kimmy D,

Wow, I knew it was bad...but this insane. Sorry we had to cancel, but much like you. No emails answered to confirm press passes.

I can't wait to talk to you personally about this

The Adam and Jp Show

Anonymous said...

This show was a joke. I was there Saturday in the never-ending-Norman-Reedus line. 8 hours in line and never left the staging room. It was a nightmare. I can't believe the fiasco you endured. It was pure insanity!!

Unknown said...

I had a nightmare experience, with the "volunteer" staff there being ill informed, and not having any authority to help you, but had all the authority in the world to harm you.

I stood in line for 3 hours in an EXTREMELY hot room, with around 500 fans, waiting to buy $30 tickets to just walk in rooms to be sold stuff. In the line with me were handicapped individuals with cerebral palsy, in wheel chairs, and other maladies that made them heroes to me, for waiting so long. In the end, we got 5 people away from being able to buy tickets when the Fire Marshall shut the "WHOLE FACILITY" down. Clearly the Fire Marshall, or someone who ran the event should have cut the line of HOURS and HOURS before, so those handicapped individuals wouldn't have had to suffer. In the end, when they told everyone, they ONLY told the people at the front of the line that they weren't going to sell any more tickets. When we (the people in line) asked them to tell everyone, they told everyone they were going to do it, but another 45 minutes went by, and they never did. It took the people in the line to take action and inform everyone, because I don't think they were EVER going to do it. They only said they would sell you tickets for tomorrow, and that's what we passed on to everyone. We had 5 of us in the line who waited 3 hours, and you would have even thought they would have discounted the tickets for the next day, but greed seemed the only thing there you could truly count on.

Even though my wife absolutely did not want to go, my daughter did, so we actually bought tickets for the next day. While there, the only thing I wanted to do, was to see Stan Lee. I literally walked up to the Stan Lee area, and asked a girl standing up, how I could see him. She directed me downstairs. I went and bought a ticket, and came back up. While there, I noticed other people standing in the VIP line. I went and asked the people what the difference was, and showed them the ticket I bought. They laughed and told me what I bought was a photo-op downstairs, and I needed to rush downstairs, because it was almost over. I ran down with my wife and daughter, and it was too late. I was so mad, because I had to pay $65. I went back and complained, and they took me upstairs, and I stood in line to see Stan Lee (they at least let me do that, assuring me I'd get my picture with him). When Stan finally showed up, they ushered me through the line, and the "handler" was rude, and told me I'd have to come back sometime later, but wouldn't commit that I actually "could" get my picture with him. I did come back, and waited in line for another hour, and I finally got 3 seconds with a picture, but they treated you like a side of beef. Get in, don't talk, please go.

I even told the staff what I had been through, and nobody had any stake in Fandom Fest, and from what I'm reading, most of the staff was promised things, and they didn't get what they were told promised. So, it's no wonders the staff was so abrasive.

I contacted them, and I will quote them here "We are not going to please 100% of the people. 10% of the people we can not please". That's their stance.

Unknown said...

My wife and myself were there. We bought the VIP tickets and didn't get our $30 autograph vouchers. and we heard the same things from other venders all over the convention...one woman on Sunday said that she had just made her money back from her table she was from Kansas city. A tee shirt guy was selling shirts on Sunday for 5 bucks which was a steal but I'm sure he wasn't doing very well. My wife had to direct Alan aka "Wash" from firefly to his photoshoot cause his car never came to get him from lunch so he walked over and we helped him get where he needed to go...which was kinda cool cause we got some time with him. I didn't even try to get to Norman, so our experience wasn't a bad as I've heard but I agree it was way to chaotic.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was as crappy as the rest all say - and even when they honored booked vendor tables, you'd have pot luck for where you were placed... Imagine the fun and profits of trying to sell horror videos in a room of all anime and toys, knowing that your key market was... two buildings away! I think it's the last the company I worked there with will be there too.

Kimberly D. said...

I am soooo sorry for all you guys had to go through at that show. It breaks my heart to hear the stories people are telling. It makes me angry to see the snarky comments coming from their twitter page and it angers me to see news interviews coming from them blaming this and that and everything but the family dog for the issues. I will continue to follow the story and keep you updated here as well. I have been told there have been threats of lawsuits coming to people's blogs warning them to take down the posts or get sued. All I can say is bring it if that is what they want to do. Its not slander when it is documented and videoed by so many.

Anonymous said...

I spent all day at the convention Saturday - first actual con, I've endeavored towards since it's a local event, but my god, I had no idea it was this horrendous.

I will give the Con some credit in having some amazing fans and people involved. For standing in line throughout the day, I met plenty of amazing people.

Kim, I stumbled on your booth later in the afternoon. Well after the fire fiasco with a random friend, that I met earlier in the day. Must have spent at least a good hour and half talking to you. I can't thank you enough for the tip to talking to Sean as well.

Enjoyed the conversations as well. Really looking forward to seeing your book at some point in the future.

Regardless of the convention chaos, you all were the best at the Con. Vendors and art alone. I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your stuff in the future and keep my eye to the blog.

-Derek Andrew Sharp

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend was working for a vendor there. His boss let him go play the Magic the Gathering tournament held by Fandomfest which was offering a $500 prize to the first place winner! Well, my boyfriend won! They were supposed to send a chack for the winnings (as all tournaments do). Being skeptical by the disorganization of the event, my boyfriend took down the names and phone numbers of the event coordinator and the sanctioning company. Needless to say no check ever came in the mail! The event coordinator (Matt McCloud) will not return a single phone call, and Fandomfest will not return an email or even begin to acknowledge our existence. For being such a "reputable event" they sure do scam everyone involved!